They Say Travel Isn’t About The Destination But The Journey



And I completely agree!  When I’m about to travel Im usually more excited about the flight than the destination.  The airports, the people, the madness, the planes, everything about it.  Just amazing.  Nothing gets you going like taking off in an airplane. its just one of those moments that you love and that always get your blood pumping.

Like Im going home for a few weeks at the end of the month and I’m not even really thinking about what I’m going to do when I’m home, but instead I’m just thinking about how great the flight will be!  How exciting it is the morning of your flight.  Im staying in a hotel the night before I leave.  Its just nice to get a hotel wake up call, have them arrange for the taxi to come.  Get a good hotel breakfast at the buffet…. and yes… steal the hotel toiletries… YOU ALL DO IT TOO! DONT JUDGE ME! 



But ah yes!  There really is nothing that clears the mind and soul like flying home.  That excitement of waking up in the morning on the other side of the planet and saying, “tonight when I go to bed, it will be in my childhood room in Ohio”.  Thats an awesome feeling it really is!  Knowing my parents and brother will be there to pick me up at the airport.  Knowing ill be able to go my family’s big Fourth of July celebration.

A plane taking off from Newcastle airport

Travel on people, travel on!


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